Monday, February 22, 2010

Orientation and Field Trip

We are on day 5 of orientation and we have 5 more days to go. They threw us a great Welcoming Ceremony and Dinner. The Ceremony consisted of traditional Korean dancing and inspirational speeches. It was very motivating and confirmed our decision on moving here. The dinner was amazing. The tables were dressed as if we were at a wedding. Beverages galore and the buffet was beautiful and delicious. We were able to relax and enjoy ourselves as well as converse with our new friends from all of over the world.

The next day we had our medical checks. They checked our height, weight, eyes, hearing, blood pressure, 3 viles of blood, urine test and a chest x ray. In the evening we had a guest speaker and survival Korean class. Our Korean class is very entertaining because our teacher speaks very little English and she is teaching us Korean. She gets embarrassed easily, but in reality she knows more English then we know Korean. We will have 4 lessons in Korean and then it is up to us to learn the rest. Wish us luck:)

The rest of our time here we have classes all day. Each class in 1 1/2 hour and we learn about Korean culture, possible classroom scenarios, lesson planning and how to adjust to daily Korean life. They are all very interesting and helpful. Yesterday we had a field trip day. It was the first time we felt like we were in Korea. We went to Jeonju village witch is a couple hundred years old. We toured the area and saw some street venders and locals walking around. A lot of kids stopped and starred at us. They made us feel like we were movie stars. They would say "Hello" and smile and stare at us. It was funny.

We also saw a mock Old Traditional Korean Wedding. There was a lot of bowing and beautiful clothes. On our field trip we learned how to make a paper picture frame and korean knotting. We also learned a drum dance. That was pretty funny because the instructor talked only in Korean and he would just laugh at all of us. We were horrible.

For the next 5 days we will continue our classes, deliver our practice lesson and then meet our co teacher. On Friday we will be off to our new home. We are very excited!

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